King and Crean Elected President and Vice-President

Katie Van Marter

On January 25th the leaders of LUCC were announced. Andy King is the President elect while Ellie Crean was voted vice president. At the center of both candidates platform is a desire to make LUCC more visible and accessible to the student body.
King expresses a desire to make sure that the representatives of the different districts all have their voices heard. In addition to this he wants to encourage all students to feel comfortable with coming to the Student Welfare and Resident Life committee meetings to discuss any concerns or comments they may have. He states, “These committees are so important to students, yet few students attend the meetings. I want to get these committees filled so that students will directly have their voices heard by the administration and that students will continue to have a say in changes affecting, say, Student Welfare issues like internet, changes in the campus centre, dining services, etc.”
As chair of the Finance Committee Crean hopes to make the financial side of LUCC easier for people to understand. She thinks this means making sure that the Student Activity Fee is used “in the most responsible and fair ways as possible.”
Public relations is an area both representatives feels needs more time commitment from LUCC. In the future they hope to make the entire process more transparent and help students see how they can change their campus for the better. While the proceedings of LUCC may need to be better publicized, both candidates felt the General Committee did an excellent job increasing voter turn out this year. The number of people who voted in this election was double the number from last year. Crean believes this to be evidence of a slightly increasing interest in LUCC. “It is important to me that we sustain this interest and create more awareness about what LUCC is doing, and what we have the potential to do for the campus. I hope that LUCC can make decisions that truly represent the needs and interest of both the students and faculty.