Amnesty International

Peter Iversen

Amnesty International is an international organization that campaigns to prevent human rights abuses. Members of Amnesty International write letters of protest to heads of state and others in positions of power. Tens of thousands of letters are sent the world over to each head of state to defend an individual. The success of Amnesty is indisputable in freeing those that have been imprisoned unfairly.
In the past, Lawrence’s chapter has worked on some high profile cases internationally as well as locally. Recently, Lawrentians helped pass the Custodian Misconduct Law, which makes it illegal for prison guards to sexually abuse inmates. This year the Amnesty group will be working to free a Syrian named Mamun al-Humsi for merely promoting a more democratic society.
In addition to campaigning against human rights abuses, Amnesty works to proliferate knowledge about the gross violations of human rights abuses in the world today. Amnesty will bring to campus people who have experienced discrimination at the hands of governments. Petition drives and movies are also an integral part of the work that Amnesty does on campus. To be part of this organization that makes a difference contact Peter Iversen at