The opening reception for the Wriston Art Collective Student Art Exhibition is Monday, November 1st, 7pm – 9pm in the new MUDD gallery in the library. The reception will be catered by members of the WAC.
The gallery will be open during library hours and will be open for two weeks. The exhibition includes a wide range of media including, but not limited to, drawings, paintings, prints, photography, sculpture, jewelry and beadwork, and digital art.
The Wriston Art Collective, formerly the Art Association, changed its name in the spring of ’04 to more effectively convey what the organization is really about; a collective of students, who have an affinity with the Wriston Art Department, who aspire to foster art appreciation on campus and among the individuals in the group. I mentioned previously some of the activities that we have planned for this year and in addition to those, we were just recently invited to do a mural in the CTL and the wing leading to Student Academic Services. Very exciting.
The gallery not only functions to allow a venue for art students to display their work professionally, the new MUDD gallery also allows non-studio art majors the opportunity to share their work with the rest of the campus.
Before, art students had to wait until they were seniors to display their work professionally in the senior show, unless they pursued outside galleries/coffee houses.
The opening reception is sure to be a fun event, WAC invites everyone to attend the opening reception to experience LU student art and support artistic expression on campus. WAC would like to thank the staff and faculty in Wriston for their fantastic support in all we do, particularly our advisor Professor D’Uva for his invaluable advice.