If you missed out on the debate regarding super senior numbers, now is your chance to get in on another debate going on in the LUCC Residence Life Committee. The committee is currently debating whether to once again make the second and third floor of Sage Hall coed floors. A majority of the committee is against the idea because they do not feel there is a large enough demand for coed floors. I would guess that most people wouldn’t mind living on coed floors, some people my enjoy it and prefer it, and some people would be totally against it and that is their prerogative. But choice is a good thing; we are currently discriminating against those people who want coed floors. If you have an opinion about this either way please come to the next Residence Life Committee meeting, Tuesday, May 2 at 11:10 in Downer F, or e-mail the chair or the LUCC president letting them know what you want.-Bill Hanna