Last Wednesday, April 13, SOUP sponsored its first-ever student film festival in Wriston Auditorium. The audience selected winners from seven films that were created by Lawrence students. Paul Schonfeld won first prize, a $100 Best Buy gift certificate, and runner-up Kristin Tamayo won $75. All entrants received participation awards comprised of candy, popcorn, coupons to Family Video, and movie theater passes. Some audience members won prizes for participation in the event’s Oscar-esque theme, such as “Best Costume” and “Best Hollywood Strut.”
The film festival was organized by a SOUP committee chaired by Sam Gibb. Committee members met weekly to plan the event. The committee viewed all the films prior to the festival, and all of this year’s submissions were shown. They required only that the films be twenty minutes or less and not contain anything self-incriminating. With so few rules and guidelines, students were free to be creative with their styles and topics. Their films covered a wide range of subject matter, ranging from poker to Costa Rica.
Organizers were pleased with the success of the festival and hope to make it a regular event. Audience members also enjoyed themselves. Emily Hause said that she liked the decorations in the auditorium and found the films to be “very inventive and fun.” It seems that the show was more than successful. Will Daniels, another attendee, gave the films and their presentations two thumbs up.