This week we decided it was time to recognize one of the clubs on campus that our community can really give thanks to. Circle K is a service organization that frequently volunteers throughout the Appleton community.
Founded just this year by Cora Schroeder, Lawrence’s Circle K group is growing quickly. Jenny Bergs, a freshman member of the club, says that their weekly meetings have about 15 regular participants, with more people turning out to their volunteering events.
“Usually we’ll table for service events and a lot of club members get their friends to help out,” she said.
Until just recently, Circle K had been recognized only as an on-campus group. However, it was just added to Circle K International because of its growing membership. Other service organizations affiliated with Circle K include Kiwanis, Golden K, the Key Club, and K Kids – each is for a different age group. Bergs added that Circle K’s three main values are service, leadership and fellowship.
Circle K has participated in a variety of service activities this year. It had a K Family Service Day on the Lawrence campus, when people from all over the state came to volunteer in the Fox Cities area. In February, members helped the Boys and Girls Club make Valentines. Currently, they are working on a project called “Story for a Story,” meeting weekly with Appleton children to help them write stories about service and the community. The club is also planning on building a shack with Viva! for this weekend’s Shack-a-Thon. Bergs said that the group is planning to hold some kind of big service event next year.
Circle K is definitely still welcoming members to come to meetings and events! They meet every Thursday at 9:30 p.m. in Riverview Lounge.