SENIORS: DON’T BE VICTIMS! Think for yoursevles, live for yourselves especially now that yet another tradition has been sent on the path on ruin by our ever so thoughtful administration. When politicians are looking to get reelected they go to drastic measures to bring up their opinion polls such as war and unnessesary reform, however, they do also do drastic things like unnessesary reforms when they are going to leave office in an attempt to make their mark before they leave, don’t let Rik Warch do that to you this year seniors. Just remember you can take the lawrentians out of the streak, but you will never take the streak out of the lawrentians… remember fellow lawrentians, we are founded on the pricible of light more light and living your life to the fullest will be the only way to spring from the cave. You seniors have worked long and hard to for the moment of which you can cosider yourselves lawrence almmuni, so do not let the tradition of all of those who have worked so hard before you go softly into that good night.billy phillips- please list as anonymous