Campus security force: LU’s unsung heroes

Robin Humbert

Returning to campus after being away for first term, I wanted to know everything I had missed. So I consulted with the people at Lawrence who would know best of the going-ons, or at least the ones I am interested in: Campus Security. To my dismay, I was informed by one security official that first term was pretty laid back in security terms. According to him, third term is when the action usually starts up, but overall Lawrence is pretty safe. I got to thinking: why?

Perhaps it is because Appleton was considered the safest city in America. Or maybe because a certain fraternity of established gentlemen are still on strict probation. But I really do not think so. I believe our safety rests in the hands of our trusty security officials and the relationship we maintain.

What other university student body knows their security guards by first name, or feels comfortable enough to ask for driving assistance for medical purposes, or other immobilizing causes?

At the same time, when Lawrence Security shows up unannounced, alcoholic beverages get hidden and underage students flee for the nearest room to hide in. It is a good relationship to be a good friend who cares, but also strike fear at the same time.

It is this relationship the security team at Lawrence has with the students that creates this overall “laid back” atmosphere. Therefore, I want to personally thank these unsung heroes for the safe environment they provide for us.

-Robin Humbert