Student Organization for University Programming (SOUP) is a student committee charged with developing a balanced calendar of activities which complements the academic calendar and enriches the Lawrence experience for all students. After one full year of programming, SOUP has sponsored comedians, jazz artists, lectures on a variety of topics, folk musicians, a cappella groups, and a few novelty acts. SOUP is also responsible for planning the major yearly events of Homecoming, Winter Formal, Mardi Gras, and Celebrate! (Lawrence’s festival for the arts). One of the highlights for SOUP last year was booking Blessid Union of Souls as the headline act for Celebrate!. This year SOUP is going to continue to bring small venue performers, plan major yearly events, and is looking to co-sponsor events with other campus organizations. New to the mix this year is the opportunity for students to perform for the Lawrence community. They can expect publicity and payment, just like any performer SOUP sponsors. Members of SOUP not only plan the activities but also host/assist performers. Anyone who wishes to find out more about SOUP is encouraged to attend our meetings Tuesdays at 8pm in the LUCC conference room (Union basement), look for our table at Tuesday’s activities fair, or call Andrea or Meaghan at x.7565.