Letter to the Editor

John Dreher

(Brent Schwert)

It’s time to cheer!
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge D. Michael Lynn (LU ’65) will examine the U.S. legal system at the Honors Day Convocation on May 25. He will also participate in a 2:30 Q&A session in Riverview, and in an informal bull session (what I now know that I wish I knew while I was a student at LU) at 4:30 in Main Hall 201.
Judge Lynn is a fascinating guy. He presides over bankruptcy cases for multibillion-dollar corporations and for “ordinary” households. He reads widely. He’s a brilliant conversationalist. And, of course, he is a liberally educated Lawrence grad.
Come to the Honors Convo to cheer classmates who have earned honors. Cheer yourself! And enjoy Judge Lynn’s contributions to our lives.John Dreher
Lee Claflin-Robert S. Ingraham Professor of Philosophy