Slim parking leads to power wheels craze

Steve Martin

Parking here at Lawrence is a pain in the ass. Due to there never being enough spots, a new craze has surged on campus: Power Wheels.
Yes, those little motorized vehicles are overtaking campus. With no gas to pay for, no insurance to pay, and how cheap they are compared to buying a car, it’s no wonder that they’re the latest craze. College students are reliving their childhood, or finally satisfying their inner child for those students whose parents never bought them a Power Wheels.
“This is way better than my scooter,” shouted one student over the jangle of his keys as he zoomed by.
With so many different types, there is a Power Wheels for everyone these days. Barbie has a Jammin’ Jeep, Lil’ Trail Rider, Trailrider Refresh, and a Beach Party Jeep Wrangler 4 x 4. There are also Little People Tot Rod, Lil’ Kawasaki, Fisher Price Dora ATV, and a Get Set & Go Kart (offered in a girl style too).
If you’re too cool for the Power Wheels name brand, there are tons of other powered ride-ons. They range from fire trucks, pocket rockets, John Deere tractors, Corvettes, Harleys, and much more.
“It’s a little crazy, seeing college students ride around on those little things, but it sure saves on writing parking tickets,” said security officer Dell Cook.