Letter to the Editor

Learning the news of Kaitlin Mahr’s death moved me to write. Somehow I stopped receiving The Lawrentian through my e-mail, so this is the first I have heard of the tragedy. I, too, struggled with depression when I was at Lawrence. Through medication management and invaluable psychological treatment from Dr. Gerry Metalsky, I was able to get through my four years at Lawrence, not as successfully as I would have liked, but I got through. I was not too up-front with classmates and professors about what I was dealing with, partly out of fear of being judged, partly out of feeling that people “didn’t need to hear about my problems.” I applaud Kaitlin for having been straightforward about her depression, and hope that by being open, she may have inspired other students to seek treatment. Depression is a common illness in the stressful environment of college. At Lawrence and in Appleton, there are exceptional treatment options available for students, and extremely understanding and caring professors. I absolutely loved my time at Lawrence, even through the painful times, and hope that all students know that it is not a sign of weakness or failure to seek treatment; on the contrary, it shows self-awareness and strength.Jill Waycie ’01