Lawrence Love Column

Zach Patrick-Riley

The forthcoming Wisconsin winter brings along with it the stress of 10th week and unrelenting cold. So bundle up with a close friend or partner, and keep it in mind that Christmas break will be here before you know it.Speaking of the much-needed vacation, the following situation may ring true for many of you, especially if you are a new couple. If you happen to be romantically involved with someone and are worrying about possibly spending the three weeks of Christmas break apart, don’t fret. The last thing you want to do is spend your entire break being sad and stressed because Pookie-Bear is not constantly by your side. Instead, use the break to catch up with friends from home and your family.

Let me also offer some life-long wisdom: time apart is healthy. I repeat: time away from one another can be very beneficial to a relationship. If you are worried about your partner falling out of “like” with you, just chill out. Time apart from one another is important for you to gain a heightened perspective of your relationship. A geographical break does not mean you guys are going to break up. The distance may even make you appreciate the other person much more and make you realize how much you adore them.

If you are used to spending a couple of hours each day together then it will be somewhat of shock when winter break comes and you guys don’t see each other at all. It will be all right. You can use the phone, Facebook and e-mail to keep in touch over break.

Be there for one another over break, but not to the point where you miss opening presents because you were in the midst of the classic game of “No, you hang up first” (though it can be quite fun, I admit). It is important to give your Pookie-Bear and yourself some chill time occasionally. Distance can make the relationship stronger. Keep in mind that it is only three weeks, and that you get to spend most of the year here at school with your partner.

Lastly, if you are one of these winter lovebirds and are wondering how to leave a lasting impression, here are a couple suggestions. Take your partner out to a nice dinner. Cuddle together and watch a holiday movie. But the best holiday gift you can give someone is to find mistletoe, and present them with the most magical gift of all: a kiss from you. Your partner will keep the warm fuzzy taste of your smooch with them over the break and your reuniting kiss will be more magical then ever.