LUCC Coverage

Kijai Corbett

The Lawrence University Community Council held a short meeting Tuesday evening in Riverview Lounge primarily to discuss the upcoming executive elections for the LUCC presidency and vice presidency.
The main business regarding elections was the introduction of a new computer system that will allow LUCC to prevent people from casting multiple votes. To create a list of voters, LUCC members will record only people’s names, not their votes. Students and faculty will still be voting on paper ballots however, and the ballots will only be entered into the system after being submitted by voters. LUCC unanimously approved these new measures, allowing the election discussion to begin.
Candidates’ election petitions are due at 10 p.m. Friday. There will be a candidate forum 2-4 p.m. Sunday in Riverview Lounge. The elections will be held Wednesday-Friday, Jan. 18-20, during lunch and dinner hours at Downer and Lucinda’s.
Student activities dean Paul Shrode also cautioned LUCC members to watch out for polling violations. Specifically, no campaigning is allowed within 50 feet of the polls.
The other item of new business was the approval of a bylaw change regarding the standing committees for Publications and Multicultural Affairs. It was decided that the committees will govern their own membership, but report to LUCC at least once per term.
In old business, the Finance Committee granted funds to the Cross Country Ski Club to buy new equipment. Money was also given to LUMP to fund their production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” The production will be held later this term or early next term. The committee also clarified that money granted to WLFM for an upcoming concert was to cover the whole event, not just the band, as WLFM will now be hosting two bands for the same price. There was also some confusion over the soccer team’s request for funds. The committee was unsure as to whether the request would violate NCAA regulations and is waiting for more information.
Due to some students’ concerns over safety, the Student Welfare Committee is considering the possibility of 24-hour locking of all residence halls and houses. A Voyager survey is being created to judge student opinion on the issue. The committee is also discussing the university’s vending rights and the possibility of getting more items on campus.
The Residence Life Committee reported that the second and third floors of Sage will be coed by room next year and that they still need to decide whether the other floors will be all-male or all-female. For students wanting housing that allows students of both sexes to share a room, the committee stated that they expect GLOW to apply for a group house with gender-neutral housing and that they will see how that works out. LUCC President Pete Snyder noted that the issue of coed housing has not been resolved.
Snyder also commented that the Steering Committee needs to discuss formal group housing, which involves three-year contracts with organizations such as, but not limited to, the fraternities. While formal group housing is not under LUCC jurisdiction, the council does appoint members to a governing board consisting of 12 members, 10 of whom are students.
Before the meeting was adjourned, a member of the men’s soccer team inquired about the status of their request for funding. Finance Secretary Jon Horne replied that the men’s soccer team is on the agenda for the next Finance Committee meeting at 9 p.m. Thursday.