Campus Center plans continue

Doris Kim

In its 17th year of development, and after being shelved due to the necessity of other campus construction and lack of funding, the plans for the long-anticipated campus center are becoming an actuality. LUCC and the campus center planning committee will continue finalizing floor plans of the building this term, with input from students.
During the first term of the year, building campus interest and gathering feedback were set as the most important goals of the building’s construction plans. To facilitate dialogue, the administration held information sessions for students and faculty to voice suggestions and concerns. Poster boards of different interior and exterior building designs were also placed around campus for students to comment on the disparate models, asking which would be most fitting to our campus and student body. All criticisms and recommendations were compiled and typed and sent directly to the architects on the project.
“The architects even pointed out they would’ve never thought of certain ideas students came up with,” said Peter Bennett, an LUCC-appointed student representative on the campus center committee.
Discussion groups will continue to meet this term, and student involvement is heavily encouraged. Student input concerning use of space and interior and exterior design will be gladly received – even down to what furniture students would prefer and which items they would like to see sold at the campus center store. This new building will accommodate all student organization activity, from club meetings to campus publications. The main interest is to keep this building usable and efficient; the school again turns to students for their opinions on how to make this happen. Later on this term, it is expected that leaders of campus organizations will be invited to a meeting with LUCC to determine how to use the space most effectively for the benefit for all students.
“Lawrence is big on community. This new campus center will be like the ‘living room’ of campus,” said student representative Nathan Litt. “It’ll be there for the involvement of students and faculty. It’s going be built for everybody.”
Students may also actively participate in the environmental aspects of construction. Professor Marcia Bjornerud of the geology department is holding a class specifically concerning environmental building design. This class will be able to meet the actual planners of the project.
“Buildings are not built while thinking about the future, even Hiett,” said Bennett. “It will become more and more important to build these environmentally safe buildings. Lawrence can portray this image that we are thinking about these things with these plans.”
LUCC expects to have solidified all floor plans for the four-level campus center by May.