There are several interesting classes around campus that students may not be aware of. A few of these are the Movement for the Theatre classes, which include ballet,
modern, and social dance. These three classes are taught by a different dancer each term from the Wild Space Dance Company from Milwaukee.
All of these classes are designed to aid theatre arts students in grace and poise. Even though these classes are designed for theatre students, they are open to everyone
and classes often consist of many non-theatre majors. No previous dance experience is required. During each class period, students work on learned and new dance routines.
Since all three classes are only three units, the workload reflects this and the work outside the class is minimal. The classes are taught Tuesdays and Thursdays in one-and-a-half hour slots.
It is set up so that students can take them as an overload or to satisfy the fine arts requirement. “It’s important for students
to learn a different form of expression,
to be well rounded,” says theatre arts professor Tim Troy.
Another class is Physics of Music, taught by Professor David Cook with lab sessions led by Lawrence fellow Joan Marler. This class delves into the relationship
shared between music and physics, discussing such topics as vibrations, waves, interference, resonance, wave forms, scales and temperament, physics of musical instruments, characteristics of auditoriums,
and the impact of electronics.
“It deals with the idea that all music is a compromise, and different musicians deal with that compromise in different ways,” says Cook, who has been teaching
the class for 21 years. “It is the most rewarding to see students who are apprehensive
about physics coming out of the class feeling as though they can indeed do physics.”
The class includes a weekly lab and meets three times a week. “I hope students come away from the class with an appreciation
for the design of musical instruments,
and a fuller understanding of how instruments function,” states Cook.
Several other interesting classes are Psychology 210: Applied Psychology: Peer Education; History 280: Religion, Witchcraft, and Magic; and Art 340: Beginning Digital Process. Psychology 210, which is also cross-listed as Education 210, is a class dealing with campus issues such as alcohol,
sexual abuse and eating disorders, and how they relate to the Lawrence University campus. At the end of the class, students are more aware of these issues and are better able to relate to others. “The student should come away with a better sense of self, and a clearer idea of how to relate to others,” states instructor Jerri Kahl, who is also associate director of counseling services. The class has a 10-person limit and meets three times per week.
History 280: Religion, Witchcraft, and Magic deals with witchcraft and witch burning between 1350 and 1750. The class delves into the aspects of magical practices, the relationship between heresy and magic, the evolution of witchcraft, the dynamics and demise of witch hunting and social defiance to witch hunting. Professor Edmund Kern teaches the class and either sophomore standing or permission from the instructor is necessary for enrollment. The class meets three times per week.
Art 340: Beginning Digital Process is an introduction course to computer-manipulated art and applying computers
to aid in understanding art processes and concepts. The class is taught by Julie Lindemann and Johnny Shimon. The class has a 10-person limit. Art 100, 110 and 200 are all prerequisites.
Students should keep their eyes and ears open to other interesting classes at Lawrence. Upperclassmen are especially good sources of information on interesting
classes, and especially for interesting tutorials.