With pride in America, and our Armed Forces, I salute the vast majority of the men & women who serve our country with honor in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. May God bless them, and their families. To allow the few who dishonor our country to become a reflection of our entire nation, and to place the blame for their actions on their Commander N’ Chief, is a form of treason. Our soldiers in Iraq are not at war with the people of Iraq, but rather, they are peacemakers who have become victims of revenge and hatred by an unseen enemy who will even kill their own countrymen if necessary. Without our military presence, mobs would rule a country which has lost the desire for peace. In comparison, allowing a political party responsible for millions of deaths through abortion, to resume power at any level of political life, is a disgrace to every American who believes in the right to life according to our Constitution, which says we are all created equal. Scandal is all around us, but the scandal of deliberate, willful abortion is the greatest scandal ever witnessed by any people – civilized, or uncivilized. Vincent Bemowski
Menasha, WI