On Oct. 4, the Netflix Original adult animated series “Big Mouth” released its third season in full. Since its premiere...
Netflix recently ordered a second season of the obscure sketch comedy show, “I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson.”...
Çudamani, a Gamelan ensemble from Bali, Indonesia, paid Lawrence their first visit in seven years this Monday, Sept. 6. Gamelan...
On Sunday May 12, at 7 p.m., a tiny audience gathered in front of the tiny box office next to...
The Lawrence University Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band held a concert in Lawrence Memorial Chapel on Saturday, Apr. 13, at...
On Monday, Oct. 14, the California based pop-rock band Joyce Manor performed a 45-minute set in the WLFM House. Opening...
On Monday, Sept. 30, at 9:30 p.m., students gathered in Mead Witter in the Warch Campus Center to play and...
On Friday, May 17, senior Edmond Hood premiered his senior project “Tension,” a series of three 10-minute one-acts, separate in...
On Sunday evening, Lawrentians were treated to a performance by Matt Blair ‘17, who is touring the Midwest on a...
The University of Wisconsin Russian Folk Orchestra paid their first visit to Lawrence since the year 2000 this Saturday, Apr....