What Halloween candy shouldn’t exist? “Toothpaste (I can’t think of anything clever, and I like all the candy).” — Anna Marie Gomes“Reeses. Too many ads.” — Caleb Yuan“Candy Corn.” — Tim Tai“DOTS. It’s like eating softened rubber!” — Ethan Jack Harnisch“Nerds rainbow candy. It’s not Halloween theme, and it doesn’t taste good.” — Michelle Vu“Smarties. They are cardboard-like flavored sugar, and they are bad for your teeth haha.” — Leila Raymond“Payday. I don’t get the hype behind it.” — Michael Murphy“It’s not technically candy, but the Ben and Jerry’s toothpaste and orange juice flavored ice cream is an abomination and should not exist.” — Masie Conrad-Poor“Twizzlers suck, man!” — George Medina “Anything homemade. It’s too sketchy to eat.” – Ethan Wachendorf, Managing Editor “Hot Tamales.” – Paola Saldana Galvan, Layout Editor“Milk Duds should not exist no matter the Holiday. 🤢” – Sarah Matthews, A&E Editor Photos by Jamie Dong and Alana Melvin