What is your favorite thing about Spring Term? “The weather is finally nice enough to do stuff outside!” — Lucie Peltier“Sitting on Main Hall Green and doing homework.” — Madeline Meade“Live Music.” — John Painter“Praising the sun.” — Jonah Friedmann“Seeing everyone’s beautiful faces!” — Jake Baron“It’s not cold and dark anymore.” — Maggie Walker“Not dreading walking outside.” — Nathaniel Laprade“River Bugs.” — Alan Schlessinger“The weather bringing people together.” — Sam SchulteAlex Freeman, Co-Editor-in-Chief “70-degree weather (someday!)” Shirley Xu, Arts & Entertainment Editor “Finishing my senior rectial.”Alana Melvin, Photo Editor “Luaroo.” Photos by Adam Fleischer, Jamie Dong, and Alana Melvin.