In the past, the staff of The Lawrentian have taken issue with the supposed apathy of Lawrence
students. However, we feel that students have started this year off on the right foot, and we hope to
see a similar level of effort continued throughout the year.
This year has seen noticeable improvements in student involvement. LUCC general elections had
twice as many votes cast as in the previous year.
The LUCC cabinet elections that took place second term last year were also markedly more successful.
The previous year’s election had to be postponed because only one Lawrentian campaigned
to be president.
Furthermore, involvement in student groups and activities seems to be increasing. To name one
example, Habitat for Humanity signed up more than 100 new volunteers at the activities fair.
These highly involved Lawrence students often make up an opinionated group. However, too
often we let these opinions be limited to passing conversations with friends. Even if it sometimes
seems as though only positive opinions are desired, there are opportunities for students to voice
all kinds of opinions, and we encourage all Lawrentians to share the issues that they feel strongly
about – positive or otherwise.
There are many great venues available for students to voice their opinions. Attending LUCC general
meetings, which meet at 4:30 p.m., every Monday in the Hurvis Room, provides one mechanism.
Writing letters to the editor of The Lawrentian provides another. Alternatively, students can contact
faculty and members of the administration directly.
We have been continuously impressed by the Dean of Students Office response to student concerns,
and we encourage students to utilize this resource.
We feel it is important that students seek out these opportunities. Voicing concerns in an appropriate
and constructive manner is an integral part of being a member of such a small community.