As I pass on the position of chair of the Multicultural Affairs Committee to Sandy Vang, I would like to offer belated praise to Assistant Dean of Students for Multicultural Affairs Rod Bradley and the Delaney LUCC administration in their assistance to our committee. Both Cole Delaney and Rod Bradley’s personal encouragement and advice on managing the bureaucracy that needed to be surmounted to pass the resolution honoring the national holiday of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday is much appreciated and I am indebted to their backing on this issue. Without their help, and the assistance of the Presidential Committee on Multicultural Affairs, the University’s recognition of this holiday would not have been possible. Additionally I would like to thank Mr. Delaney and Mr. Ketcham for their help in the budget process, which enabled us to bring respected poet Nicki Giovanni to campus this past winter term. I welcome the new LUCC administration, and hope that they will continue the work that the Delaney administration began.