In a move that may affect off-campus students LUCC passed a re-zoning by-law, which groups off-campus students with residents of Colman Hall. The by-law was created because a majority of the council felt the voting system was unfairly balanced.Under the new zoning, off-campus students will now be represented by Colman Hall’s two representatives.
Supporters of the by-law change argued that an average of one representative to every hundred Lawrence students is standard for the council. With the system in place now, a group of approximately 65 off-campus students receives one vote, while Colman, which holds about 130 students, also only receives one. Supporters of the by-law change felt that this was like off-campus residents getting 1.5 votes.
It was also discussed that off-campus students may run as Colman Hall representatives. For example, one Sage Hall representative actually lives in the ORC house.
There were some who disagreed. Kass Kuehl, the current off-campus student representative, argued that only students living off-campus could understand the concerns of others who do the same.
Kuehl stated that the council is very campus-resident oriented, citing that only a few minutes earlier, she had requested an all-campus email to inform students of some available Committee on Committees slots, and President Jacques Hacquebord had then said an all-campus voice mail message would be sent. Kuehl pointed out that off-campus students would not receive the voice mail, and that they are often over looked in regular council decisions.
Despite the concerns raised by Kuehl and a few others, the motion was passed.
Vice President Ned Connors gave the Finance Committee report. He asked that representatives give him the names of any group who has not yet applied for LUCC funding, but wishes to do so for next year. Groups’ arguments are currently being heard by the committee. It was also reported that the council has $15,576 left to allocate this year.
Among other issues discussed was the formation of a committee to investigate the new Lawrence internet tool Voyager. The committee will look into different ways it can be used to benefit Lawrence students, as well as what negative effects it could have. One example was campus wide surveys and who should be able to use them.
The next LUCC general council meeting will be held on May 6 at 5 p.m. in Wriston Auditorium.