170 Prospies to Hit Campus this Monday -mrm -jcr -dlh

Meghan McCallum

As you’re making your way to classes this Monday, you may spot a species common to the Lawrence campus this time of year ********– prospective students. A whopping 170 of them, along with their parents, will be exploring campus for Admitted Student Day.
Thanks to faculty, students, and staff, the admitted prospies will be staying in residence halls, attending classes, and participating in mini-advising sessions, according to Steve Syverson, dean of admissions and financial aid.
“We are grateful for the fabulous help we are receiving… this is a real campus-wide event!” Syverson said. The day’s activities will hopefully give the students an intimate view of what it’s like to be a Lawrentian.
Syverson also mentioned that there are a record-breaking 2,030 Lawrence applicants this year, with 360 spots in the class available.
“Obviously, we don’t know yet what the final academic profile of the class will be,” said Ken Anselment, director of admissions, “but the students to whom we’ve offered admission have higher high school ranks and their average standardized test scores are a good notch above last year’s admitted students.”
The conservatory aspirants also prove to be a balanced representation of different instruments, Syverson noted.
“This is my first year at Lawrence and I am really impressed with the quality of these students and the range of talents and experiences they will bring with them to the campus,” said Anselment, who worked in Marquette University’s admissions office for 12 years before coming to Lawrence this September.
So keep your eyes out for these awesome prospective students this Monday *******– you never know who might be living across the hall from you next year!