Housing 2001

Wednesday, May 9, 12:00 noon
Theme House applications due with contracts attached at the Housing Office in Raymond House. If all contracts are not attached, theme house will automatically be disqualified. Fraternity Rosters with housing contracts attached are due at Campus Services. No fraternity member will be allowed to take part in room selection unless all house contracts are in and the house is full. Co-op House Roster is due at the Housing Office in Raymond House with contracts attached. Language House Rosters due with contracts attached at the Housing Office in Raymond House. Tuesday, May 14, 7:00 p.m.
Housing Information Session for Freshmen Viking Room

Tuesday, May 14, 8:00 p.m.
Housing Information Session for Students Planning to be Off-Campus Viking Room

Tuesday, May 14, 9:00 p.m.
Combination/ Mini-Me Party. A social for students going off-campus to meet other students going off-campus that they can combine with. Viking Room.

Tuesday, May 15, 4:45 p.m.
LUCC meets to approve the proposal of the Theme House Selection Board. Contracts of unsuccessful houses will be returned to house representative.

Room Selection
Do not come to room selection without your contract. Because of an anticipated tight housing situation, no exceptions will be made.
Lost contracts are not an excuse. You must have a contract to select housing. Time groupings will be sent out at a later date so that you will know what time to show up at each selection based on class standing.

Wednesday, May 16, 4:15 p.m.
Suite, Quad & Triple Selection and Assignment Coffeehouse
Only one member must be present. All contracts must be turned in for your application to be considered. Your fraternity house roster must be turned in to the Houseing Office and the house must be full before any memebr can select in the general lottery.

Wednesday, May 16, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Room Selection – Squatting Coffeehouse
Students who intend to remain in the same room (with the same roommate, if in a double) must turn in their contract at this time. “Same room” is based on your official room as of noon, Wednesday May 16, 2001. Students occupying doubles as singles may not participate in this round of selection. Squatting is not allowed in any small house, suite, quad, triple, or overflow housing.

Thursday, May 17, 11:10 a.m.
Room Selection for Kohler Hall substance free housing Coffeehouse.

Friday, May 18, 4:15 – 6:15 p.m.
Room Selection – Singles Riverview Lounge
Students who wish to live in a single may select their room at this time. You must have your housing contract in order to select a room. Rooms will be chosen in order by lottery number. Students who will be off-campus for one or more terms in the 2001-2002 academic year may select rooms after students who will be on campus for the entire year have finished, With the exception of students who fulfill the criteria for the Combination Rule.

Tuesday, May 22, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
“Meet Your Future Roommate” Party Riverview Lounge
Students who did not obtain singles and do not have a roommate in mind can come to this event and meet other students looking for roommates. Students who are going off-campus next year may also attend this event to find a roommate for the coming year or a person through which they may complete the requirements for the Combination Rule. There will be games and activities, sponsored by the Office of Residence Life.

Thursday, May 24, 9 – 11 p.m.
Room Selection- Doubles Riverview Lounge
Students who wish to live in a double may select their room at this time. Although all roommates need not be present, a signed contract is required from each roommate in order to select a room. Rooms will be chosen in order by lottery number. With the exception of students who fulfill the requirements for the Combination Rule, students who will be off-campus for one or more terms in the 2001-2002 academic year may select rooms after students who will be on campus for the entire year have finished.

Friday, May 25, after 8:00 am – 5:00 p.m.
Any student who did not advance register or does not have housing for any reason, can apply for any available open rooms at the Housing Office in Raymond House.If no rooms are available, the Housing Office will assign you a room after all freshmen are housed in late July.

Please note: Lawrence University guarantees housing to all students. Students who wish to add their names to the singles wait list may also do so at this time in Raymond House.