The following story is satire. All events and characters are fictional. Lawrence University has been lauded as socially progressive. Lawrentians...
The following story is satire. All events and characters are fictional. We all remember our freshman year roommates. For some...
University courses allow students to tackle new ideas and areas of study that might not fit into a traditional department....
The following story is satire. All events and characters are fictional. One of Lawrence University’s main draws for prospective students...
The following story is satire. All events and characters are fictional. We all like to be recognized for our hard...
Fall in the Midwest often spurs pleasant memories and feelings. There is a lot to admire as the trees go...
Athletics, orchestra, band, choir, extracurriculars, jobs and academics: So many Lawrentians sport many of these different focuses on their resumés...
Generously given to Lawrence students in 1963, Björklunden has been an iconic refuge for Lawrence students. Almost every Lawrentian falls...