It hardly takes a cynic to hate Valentine’s Day. And yet, as it’s coming up, newspapers across the country will surely be printing headlines like, “Still need a gift for the big day? Here are 17 last-minute items she’s sure to love!” or “A comprehensive guide to being single on Valentine’s Day.” Insipid. Uninspired. Truly, a nightmare to read and to print. For people who are single and in all sorts of relationships alike, Valentine’s Day brings a flurry...
The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The Lawrentian does not endorse any...
I don’t know about you all, but lately it has felt like the world is ending. And by lately, I mean my entire lifetime. And by “the world is ending,” I mean I have no hope for our future. Also, I know for a fact I’m not the only one who feels like this. I have a conversation like this with someone at least every day! Eek! What are we going to do about that?!
October 2021 was known as “Striketober” due to all the militant labor activity taking place around the country. As the month came to an end, Striketober turned into Strikevember, Strikesgiving and other strike-themed portmanteaus. The point is, the labor movement is not a fluke, and this resurgence continued even as 2021 came to a close.
As students have trickled back onto campus in the past two weeks, the hallways of our dorms have become animated with sounds. In the mornings, I am greeted with a singer’s warmups echoing through one of my room’s walls, while the strums of a guitar ripples through another. On my walk to the kitchen for a glass of water, I pass a computer lab with music stands in it, repurposed as a makeshift practice room.
I have never called myself an artist. Usually, I just say I’m someone who loves art. And that’s true, I do love looking at art, but I also love making it. I don’t remember a sliver of my childhood when I wasn’t drawing with Crayola markers or painting with watercolors. My life as a youngster was constantly consumed by art, and I really loved every second of it. I grew up in a household that embraced creativity, so no matter how terrible my kindergarten drawings...
At the start of high school, I dressed in baggy clothes and clunky boots. My head was shaved. If it weren’t for my short stature, I might’ve easily been mistaken for a boy. I was actively creating distance between myself and my idea of femininity. Like many others, I associated my femininity with weakness and ignorance. I had grown to hate it over time, to hate the way it enabled people to view me and treat me. I did what I felt would protect me from those misconceptions. By presenting androgynously, I convinced myself that I would be perceived...
nnounced that he would not support BBB, even after months of progressives and mainstream Democrats cutting out good parts of the bill to appease him.
The Lawrentian is currently doing quite a bit of hiring as we approach our next news cycle and need to find new leadership. With this, as well as my approaching graduation and inevitable plunge into the job market, I’ve been thinking about job applications quite a bit. As I answer potential applicants’ questions and spend too much time on LinkedIn...
When Donald Trump was president of the United States, he was often accused by liberals of disgracing the office of the presidency. When Joe Biden ran against Trump for the presidency, he criticized Trump for it. While Democrats and Republicans often disagree on social issues, economic, foreign, and immigration policy largely remain the same from president to president.