At the beginning of the term, I submitted a letter outlining some of the goals I have as editor-in-chief and some of the changes that have been made within our organization. I’m back with an update!
Dear Editor, Lawrence University outed me more than a year ago, and ever since then, I have been dealing with...
The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The Lawrentian does not endorse any...
Aloofness is out, and having emotions is in. If I had easy access to any roofs, I’d shout those words from atop them; instead, I’ll settle for writing this article with as much conviction as a tabloid gossip columnist. I may not be able to cite any hard data or experts in the field, but I’ve sure got a hunch that being cool and distant really lost its edge in a world where, for a while, that was the only option. It’s just so much hotter to be in touch with your feelings.
When my little brother was 17, he learned how to skateboard for the first time.
He got his first job and he saved up for his first car.
He fell in love with mechanics, and he found the technical school of his dreams.
These, however, weren’t all of the firsts that happened in his last year of childhood.
When my little brother was 17, he also found out he was becoming a father.
Dear Editor, Lauren Kelly and Anders Hanhan would like to acknowledge and thank all staff and faculty members of the...
At the start of high school, I dressed in baggy clothes and clunky boots. My head was shaved. If it weren’t for my short stature, I might’ve easily been mistaken for a boy. I was actively creating distance between myself and my idea of femininity. Like many others, I associated my femininity with weakness and ignorance. I had grown to hate it over time, to hate the way it enabled people to view me and treat me. I did what I felt would protect me from those misconceptions. By presenting androgynously, I convinced myself that I would be perceived...
(CW: mental health). To cut a long story short and give a TLDR, I'm taking a leave of absence this term. I wasn't sure if I was going to, but after slogging through the first week of classes I've decided to do so for my own wellbeing. This will be the only op-ed you see from me this term and the only edition of the op-ed section edited by me. Needless for me to say, this was an immensely hard decision for me to make, but one that in the end felt very necessary.
The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The Lawrentian does not endorse any...
The Lawrentian is currently doing quite a bit of hiring as we approach our next news cycle and need to find new leadership. With this, as well as my approaching graduation and inevitable plunge into the job market, I’ve been thinking about job applications quite a bit. As I answer potential applicants’ questions and spend too much time on LinkedIn...