The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The Lawrentian does not endorse any...
While some Calvinists might look at ‘goodness’ and quibble about ‘original sin’ and the ‘inherent flaws of man,’ I think I speak for most people when I say babies are good chunkers. With their doughy faces, massive craniums that wobble and cause the body to go tumbling as gravity takes hold, and their open-mindedness regarding what can be consumed off the floor, babies...
Workers across the United States are fed up, and rightfully so. Workers at Nabisco and Frito Lay went on strike earlier this year, and Amazon workers across the country have been attempting to unionize their workplaces after the company violated labor laws to crush a unionization effort in Bessemer, Ala.bama this April. Worker shortages have forced some companies...
eing published concurrently with this very op-ed you are reading right now is what can only be called a horrendously self-indulgent bit of fluff in the variety section entitled "The Op-Ed Writer." The writer of this piece has, through a terribly incoherent medium, tried to lay out her critiques of opinions and editorials, with a particular nod to my writing in particular...
If you’ve read essentially anything I’ve written for The Lawrentian in the past year or so, you probably know that I’m a proud first-generation college student. You might even be sick of hearing about it— if so, good. We don’t talk about the experiences of first-generation college students enough; pretending we don’t exist does not minimize the experiences we...
my best friend. In fact, I’m probably not her number one fan, even though I do consistently watch her videos and listen to her podcast. And, in all honesty...
The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The Lawrentian does not endorse any...
The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The Lawrentian does not endorse any...
The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The Lawrentian does not endorse any...
secret that those who live in richer countries have more access to resources than the global poor. Adequate food, clean water and shelter --as much as we struggle with supply in the United States, these basics are far less accessible ...