Assistant Professor Brian Piasecki’s life revolves around dissecting questions about living things and figuring out how they work. This Assistant...
As director of the Volunteer and Community Service center (VCSC), Kristi Hill’s has centered her life around helping others and...
While many of us know Mary Meany as the fearless leader from Career Services, few are aware of her rich...
The only political theorist at Lawrence University, Associate Professor of Government Steven Wulf has been teaching such areas as political...
By Ollin Garcia Pliego During the summer of 2014, Lawrence University hired new faculty members in order to expand some...
Ofra Amihay joined the Lawrence University staff just this year. As a visiting English lecturer, she teaches classes such as...
Many Lawrentians still remember him as the LUCC president, but after graduating in 2013, Jake Woodford became President Burstein’s assistant....
The only full-time staff member of Lawrence University’s Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA), Pa Lee Moua has been a one-woman...
After an extremely intensive and almost life-threatening experience working in a correctional , Kevin Goggins, a member of the Lawrence...