In April of 2003, the greatest Western film of all time was released to the world. The movie “Holes” follows...
Seniors Lindsay Holsen and Alexis Hottberg playing doubles. Photo by Victor Nguyen. The Vikings tennis team has had a busy...
Since the beginning of Spring Term of last year, the Lawrentian Editorial Board has been trying to write a staff...
by Nina Wilson of Respectful and Tasteful Satire (RATS) The cuisine. Hot dogs are a bit of a rarity in...
The Outdoor Recreation Club (ORC) hosted its first on-campus campout from Friday, May 19, to Saturday, May 20. The outdoors...
Nobody noticed. It was just preseason. Those in attendance were there for fun and overpriced hot dogs and those actually...
Giant origami sculpture on the top of The Trout Museum of Art. Origami mountain goat sculpture by Robert J. Lang....
The year 2000—many things awaited us in that lofty year, but one of the most memorable events was the Summer...
The culinary options at Lawrence can sometimes be difficult to navigate, especially as an incoming student who is new to...
a serial story written by the Creative Writing Club. Lia yanked at her handcuffs again. She was ending up handcuffed...