By Ruby Dickson Greenfire, a student organization devoted to promoting environmentally sustainable life choices, hosted the annual Earth Day festival...
By Ruby Dickson GlobeMed and WLFM Lawrence Student Radio (WLFM) jointly hosted the third annual Radio for Rwanda event on...
On the evening of Monday, Feb. 29, Lawrence community members gathered in the Warch Campus Center Cinema to attend a...
By Ruby Dickson For its second event of the annual Povolny Lecture Series in International Studies–themed “Nationalism, Succession, and Intervention”...
The 81st annual Lawrence Winter Carnival festivities ran from Wednesday, Feb. 3 to Saturday, Feb. 6. As part of the...
By Ruby Dickson On Wednesday, Nov. 12, the Lawrence University held the first-ever Giving Day. The event was intended as...
By Ruby Dickson This week, President Mark Burstein and the President’s Committee on Diversity Affairs held two town hall meetings...
By Ruby Dickson Last month, Lawrence held the second annual December Term or “D-Term.” Students were invited to spend two...
By Ruby Dickson On Tuesday, Mar. 3rd, the Economics department hosted Professor of Economics Werner Troesken of the University of...
Students, staff and faculty gathered in the Warch Campus Center’s Nathan Marsh Pusey Room and Somerset Room on Thursday, April...